Friday, January 18, 2008


Check out the Porcelain Rosette Wall Plaque from The Sitting Room that is featured in Domino Magazine's Style Editor Kim Ficaro's "Editor's Cravings" this month. These cheery wall plaques really do add pop to a wall with or without color.

You can check it out on the Domino Website.

And how about those rosette pillows!
There is a very good possibility of those making there way to The Sitting Room.

This is how we currently have them displayed in the store. I've used them in bathrooms for clients; they're great in bathrooms because they aren't bothered by moisture and are decorative but not overly fussy. Just the large rectangle or a vertical cluster works well over the toilet, who really wants to look at a painting there. Another place I would like to try them is if you want something on the same wall as a television, a painting or other colored piece is distracting, these would work well to add some style and texture.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

See...I am not alone..even the good folks at Domino know a good thing when they see it, Y'all are still one of my favorites, keep the great, fresh decor coming!

Loved seeing a local fav of mine in the pages of this glossy mag!

Penny Heater